Updates on Bailey Bridge
Bailey Bridge is the bridge that connects Chorlton Water Park with Kenworthy Woods, popular wildlife spaces much enjoyed by local people and visitors. Unfortunately due to safety issues identified by Manchester Council the bridge was closed in early 2024.
Local residents have been in touch with councillors to press upon them the importance of access for all concern and the wish for the repairs to be carried out as soon as possible.
We will post below any updates we received.
Update from Councillor Mandie Shilton Godwin 28 May 2024
The council are developing a specific webpage to keep people updated so when I receive the URL I will share that too. In the meantime, please do feel free to forward as widely as you wish.
Further to my email below, a brief update on the replacement bridge project.
Our Capital Programme Service has commissioned Ground Investigation and Abutment Surveys. These surveys will test if the original concrete supports will support the new bridge, or if they will require improvement works. Contractors proposals are due back 3 Jun 24.
The overall construction, including of the replacement bridge itself, has been allocated via MCC’s approved Frameworks on 14 May 24. The contractor will now programme these works and advise on timescales to completion.
We estimate the works will be complete by the end 2024, however there are elements of unknowns we will have to work through with the contractor to confirm the programme including any planning restrictions or conditions from the Environment Agency, and the result of the abutment surveys.
I will provide another update once the contractor has progressed the design and planning work further.
Kind regards,
As promised, I will update again once anything received, for the time being until there is a webpage
Best wishes
Councillor Mandie Shilton Godwin
Labour and Co-operative Member for Chorlton Park
Chair, Environment and Climate Change Scrutiny Committee
Lead Member for Active Travel
Manchester City Council
Members Services
Town Hall
Manchester M60 2LA
07834 869 204